mrs clark's classroom

A World of Creativity

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Digital Storytelling

Watch the link above for your,”Walk a Mile in Their Shoes” instructions. I think that it will give you an idea of what I am looking for in the time you spend together. In the novel, Walk Two Moons, we learned how one cannot judge someone based on appearances. The characters all learned that they had to really get to know someone to actually understand them. This assignment is for you to get to know someone in your class that you don’t really know. I want you to spend time outside of class and see what makes that person unique. Sometimes when we are at school, we become the person that others want to see and not really ourselves. I think you will really enjoy meeting the real individual that resides in your partner.
Go do something fun together and ask questions. The more questions you ask, the more you’ll learn!
When we come back from vacation, we will spend time in Language Arts writing a five paragraph essay detailing your time together. When we have lab time on Mondays and Fridays, you’ll create your first Imovie. The Imovie will be a commercial about your partner and what makes them so great. It will be one minute in length and will include images, sounds, and transitions. So, enjoy your time together and ENJOY each other!
This is the rubric for your essay:
This is the rubric that I will use to grade your Imovie project:
You have the possibility of 20 points for the Imovie and this is scored as a project which is 15% of your grade.

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Now is the Time for Running Board Game Project

This week the 8th graders are illustrating their knowledge of the plot of the novel, Now is the Time for Running, by creating a board game that is similar to the board game Candyland. The novel is a story of two boy’s journey from Zimbabwe to South Africa, and all the dangerous places and people they face. I thought a simple path board game that shows the specific cities and places they stay would help them follow the plot. There are many African names of characters and cities, so I thought this would help clarify th plot for them. They chose 3 people for their groups and are working with little interference from me. They have a rubric to follow, but the rest is on their own to figure out. It is hard for me to sit back and not help them, but I want to assess: how well they know the novel, what they perceive as the biggest dangers, how will they decide what different paths the players can choose, what are the consequences for choices.